(5th and 6th Nov 2019) Shot days at OMEGA EP
We have two shot days on OMEGA EP at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics at the University of Rochester, NY. One campaign is studying self-generated magnetic fields in laser-plasma interactions and the other is to investigate direct laser acceleration of electrons.
(Oct 2019) U-M to become Mount Olympus with ZEUS, the most powerful laser to be built in the U.S.
The three-petawatt system could unlock secrets of the universe, advance cancer treatments, improve security screenings for nuclear threats, and much more. The NSF is funding the building of ZEUS at the University of Michigan to be an international user facility. Full story from The Michigan Engineer News Center.
(Oct 2019) 61st APS DPP, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Amina, Paul, Brandon and Hongmei are presenting their work at the American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting, 2019 in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
15th October 2019: Paul T Campbell’s PhD thesis defense
Congratulations to Paul on the successful defense of his PhD thesis! Read his thesis Laboratory Investigations of Magnetic Field Generation and Interactions Driven by High Power Lasers.
(Oct 2019) New Journal of Physics Publication
Proton beam emittance growth in multipicosecond laser-solid interactions is published in New Journal of Physics.
(Oct 2019) 1st ELI-NP user workshop, Romania
Excited to be attending the 1st ELI-NP user workshop. The 10PW facility is almost ready for the first experiments!
(Sept 2019) “Probing the mechanisms behind some of the universe’s most violent events”
News article on our recent Physics of Plasmas publication.
(Sept 2019) ZEUS: Most powerful laser in the US to be built at U-M
The NSF providing $16 million of funding for the 3 PW laser ZEUS user facility to be built at U-M! Read the press release at Michigan News.
(Aug 2019) Physics of Plasmas Publication
Field reconstruction from proton radiography of intense laser driven magnetic reconnection is published in Physics of Plasmas.
(July-Aug 2019) High Energy Density Science summer school, San Diego
Graduate students Brandon and Hongmei attend the HEDS summer school in San Diego.
(July 2019) EPS 46th Conference on Plasma Physics, Milan
Prof. Willingale and recently graduated Dr. Amina Hussein present invited talks at the European Physical Society (EPS) Conference on Plasma Physics
13th June 2019: Amina Hussein’s PhD thesis defense
Congratulations to Amina on the successful defense of her PhD thesis! Read her thesis Laser-Driven Electron Accelerators as a Broadband Radiation Source – from Infrared to X-Rays
31st May 2019: Peter Kordell’s PhD thesis defense
Congratulations to Peter on the successful defense of his PhD thesis!
(Apr 2019) Brandon Russell named a 2019-2020 MIPSE fellow
Congratulations to Brandon on being awarded a MIPSE graduate fellowship for 2019-2020! All of the 2019-2020 MIPSE fellows are listed on the MIPSE website.
(Apr 2019) The 10th Omega Laser Users Group (OLUG) workshop
Prof. Willingale and graduate students Paul Campbell and Brandon Russell attend the OLUG workshop in Rochester, NY.
(Mar 2019) The CERN accelerator school on High Gradient Wakefield Accelerators
Prof. Willingale presents a lecture on “laser driven proton and ion acceleration” in Sesimbra, Portugal. Information on the school at the CERN accelerator school website.
February 28th 2019 is Chirped Pulse Amplification Day and Prof. Mourou speaks at Michigan
Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan has proclaimed February 28th, 2019, as Chirped Pulse Amplification Day in Michigan! Prof. Gérard Mourou speaks at the University of Michigan.
Read the proclamation on the Michigan.gov website.
Read about the celebration on the EECS website and the Michigan daily.
(Feb 2019) PhD student Brandon Russell awarded the Rackham International Student Fellowship
Congratulations to Brandon Russell! The Rackham International Student Fellowship is awarded to students who demonstrate outstanding academic and professional promise. Read the article on the EECS website
(Feb 2019) National Ignition Facility (NIF) user group meeting 2019
Prof. Willingale, and graduate students Amina Hussein and Brandon Russell attended the National Ignition Facility user group meeting 2019 in Livermore, CA.