(Nov 2018) Mention in National Geographic
Our work on laser-driven magnetic fields gets a mention in National Geographic.
(Nov 2018) Amina Hussein wins best presentation award
Congratulation to graduate student Amina Hussein, for winning a best presentation award at the 2018 MIPSE symposium!
(Nov 2018) Presentations at the APS Division of Plasma Physics meeting 2018
Prof. Willingale, and graduate students Paul Campbell, Amina Hussein, Peter Kordell, and Brandon Russell present their work at the American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics annual meeting 2018 in Portland, OR.
Press release on our work: A Stellar Achievement Magnetized Space Winds in the Laboratory
(Oct 2018) Physical Review E publication
Relativistic-electron-driven magnetic reconnection in the laboratory is published in Physical Review E.
(Oct 2018) Nobel prize in Physics awarded for CPA lasers
Congratulations to Gérard Mourou and Donna Strickland for their half of the 2018 Nobel prize in physics! Prof. Mourou established the Center for Ultrafast Optical Science (CUOS) and built our chirped pulse amplification (CPA) lasers here at Michigan! Read the article at Michigan News.
(Sept 2018) New Journal of Physics publication
The unexpected role of evolving longitudinal electric fields in generating energetic electrons in relativistically transparent plasmas is published in New Journal of Physics.
(Aug 2018) Advanced Accelerator Concepts workshop 2018
Prof. Willingale, and graduate students Amina Hussein and Peter Kordell, present their work at the Advanced Accelerator Concepts workshop 2018 in Breckenridge, CO.
(Jun 2018) HEDSS 2018
Prof. Willingale presents lectures on the topic of “plasma diagnostics” at the High Energy Density Summer School (HEDSS) in Ann Arbor.
(Apr 2018) OLUG 2018
Graduate students Amina Hussein and Paul Campbell present posters on their work at the Omega Laser User Group (OLUG) workshop at the Laser for Laboratory Energetics (LLE), Rochester, NY. Amina Hussein wins the student poster prize – congratulations Amina!
(Mar 2018) Prof. Willingale awarded an NSF CAREER award
Prof. Louise Willingale, assistant professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, was awarded an NSF CAREER award for her research project “Relativistic Electron Driven Magnetic Reconnection.” Full story on the The Michigan Engineer.